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trademark“东杰装备”registered successfully
date of issue:2014-03-14

the trademark“东杰装备” applied by our company is approved by the national industrial and commercial bureau. its exclusive use period is from july 14th 2013 to july 13th 2023.

trademark is the pand of a company, is the company's integrated embodiment of product quality, enterprise credit and market reputation, etc., and it is accumulated company image by all staff with hard work and wisdom. the use of the trademark“东杰装备” will be a starting point of our pand building. we will maintain the pand “东杰装备” steadfastly by effective work, and let it become the banner of the logistics equipment industry.

friendship link

omh science group co.,ltd.-凯发公司

contact us
  • telephone:0351-3633918
  • mobile phone:13080310001
  • address:no.51, xinlan road, taiyuan, shanxi, china

all rights reserved:omh science group co.,ltd.

record number:jin icp ****2001603
technical support:long cai technology (shanxi) co., ltd.

all rights reserved:omh science group co.,ltd.

record number:jin icp ****2001603
technical support:long cai technology (shanxi) co., ltd.

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